Scientists Expl. Connections Between Astronomy and Biology
Hello reader!
It follows one article
published on the day (01/18) in the website of the ”Agência FAPESP” noting that
more than 160 scientists explore connections between Astronomy and Biology
during the “São Paulo Advanced School of
Astrobiology – Making Connections (SPASA 2011)”.
Duda Falcão
Scientists Explore Connections
Between Astronomy and Biology
By Fábio Castro
January 18, 2012
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The São Paulo School of Advanced cience brought together 160 scientists and students from Brazil and abroad to debate the most recent advances in the emerging field of astrobiology |
Agência FAPESP – The more than 160 researchers, instructors and students who
participated in the São Paulo Advanced School of Astrobiology – Making
Connections (SPASA 2011) event between December 11 and 20, 2011, debated the
most recent advances in astrobiology, a new area that explores answers to some
of the most complex questions in science today.
The interface between astronomy and biology,
astrobiology is an essentially interdisciplinary field that deals with
questions such as the formation and detection of pre-biotic molecules on
planets and in the interstellar medium, the influence of astrophysical events
in the appearance and maintenance of life on Earth and the analysis of
conditions for possible life on other planets or satellites, especially
microbial life.
The event, held in São Paulo city as part of the
São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences (ESPCA)—a FAPESP-funded program—was
organized by the Universidade de São Paulo’s Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics
and Atmospheric Sciences (IAG-USP) under the coordination of Professor Jorge
The local committee responsible for the event
was coordinated by the following astrobiology researchers: Douglas Galante,
Roberto Costa (IAG-USP) and Ramachrisna Teixeira (IAG-USP) from IAG-USP; Fabio
Rodrigues from the USP Chemistry Institute; Rubens Duarte from the USP
Oceanography Institute; Laura Paulucci from the Universidade Federal do ABC
(UFABC); and Ivan Glaucio Paulino-Lima from NASA Ames.
According to Galante, the event involved 33
lecturers from Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom, Chile, Colombia,
Mexico, Germany and Russia. There were 130 participants, among them students of
astronomy, biology, geology, chemistry, physics and engineering from 26
different nations. Of these participants, 80 received full funding from the
ESPCA, 20 received partial funding and 30 were auditors.
“It was a very intense and profitable event,
exciting for both students and lecturers. The school’s main objective was to
provide a general overview of astrobiology and emphasize the need for
establishing interconnections between diverse areas of knowledge and between
people from different areas so that complex questions such as the origin of
life can be dealt with,” Galante told Agência FAPESP.
The event’s opening lectures were given by
Brazilian Marcelo Gleiser from Dartmouth College (USA) and Stephen Dick,
retired professor of astrophysics from the Smithsonian Institute National
Museum of Natural History (USA) and ex-chief historian of NASA, the North
American Space Agency.
“Gleiser spoke on the connection between
astrobiology and cosmology, the science that studies the origin and evolution
of the Universe. Dick gave an overview of the North American perspective on
astrobiology,” said Galante.
During the mornings on the other days of the
event, further content was developed in mini-courses with broad perspectives on
astronomy, geology, chemistry and biology.
“Our intent was that the lecturers would show
the interconnections between these areas.For example, the formation of the
planets was explained from the point of view of Astronomy. Then, the way the
planets developed was shown from the perspective of Geology, and later, the
chemical conditions that led to the origin of life were shown,” Galante said.
The idea behind the event was that the students
perceive that all the subjects discussed have a certain unity and that the
complexity of the subjects involved in the origin of life can only be dealt
with in the connections between the different areas of study and between the
people studying these areas.
“In the afternoons, we had lectures on more
specific topics—each professor spoke on particular aspects of their studies.
This way, during the afternoons, the students could apply and discuss in a more
specific manner the general knowledge presented to them during the mornings,”
explained Galante.
Research Focus Groups
Aside from the mini-courses and lectures, the
students participated in another activity: research focus groups. The students
were divided into interdisciplinary groups of 8 or 9 people that had to present
a complete research project at the end of the week. The presentations were 10
minutes long, and the students voted on the best projects.
“Each group developed their entire project, from
choosing the topic to writing and presenting it, including proposal of a
project timeline and budget,” said Galante.
The idea is that students from many areas
perform a multidisciplinary integration exercise and at the same time gain
practice in writing, presenting and judging a research project—something they
will have to do during their entire professional lives,” he said.
The top three projects elected in the
competition will be transformed into scientific articles for publication in Astrobiology
magazine. The speakers’ lectures will also be published as scientific
articles for publication as a special edition of the International Journal
of Astrobiology.
“During the School, we also had poster
presentations. The students could have their work commented on and evaluated by
some of the main researchers in their fields,” told Galante.
Participants also visited the Brazilian National
Laboratory of Synchrotron Light in Campinas, SP. According to Galante, the
lecturers were impressed with the particle accelerator, and many participants
expressed interest in doing post-doctoral work there.
There was also a lecture on the future of the
Brazilian space program, presented by Thyrso Villela, a researcher at the
Astrophysics Division of the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe) and
the director of Satellites, Applications and Development at the Brazilian Space
Agency (AEB).
According to Galante, the participants also
visited Alto Ribeira State Park (Petar) in the south of São Paulo State, where
they attended lectures on the life and geology of the caves in the region. “We
expect to hold another School within the next two years,” he said.
More information:
Source: WebSite Agência FAPESP -
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