Ad Astra, NASA Agree to Continue Work on VASIMR Engine
follows a note published on the day (12/19) in the website “Parabolic Arc”
highlighting that Ad Astra, NASA agree to continue work on VASIMR Engine.
Astra, NASA Agree to Continue
Work on VASIMR Engine
By Douglas Messier
19, 2013, 11:28 pm
Ad Astra Rocket Company)
![]() |
A VASIMR powered space tug. |
Texas (Ad Astra PR) -– Ad Astra Rocket Company and the National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) have signed an Umbrella Space Act Agreement to
continue the parties’ collaboration in the
development of the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket engine
The agreement specifies a five-year term
and sets out the provisions by which the parties will contribute in-kind
know-how and/or resources, with no transfer of funds in either direction, to
facilitate the achievement of the partnership’s common and mutually-beneficial
goals and objectives. The specific tasks to meet these objectives are defined
in separate companion support agreements called Annexes.
The Agreement was executed December 16,
2013 at NASA’s Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center (JSC) by its Director, Dr. Ellen
Ochoa and by Ad Astra’s Chairman and CEO, Franklin R. Chang Díaz.
Annex-1 to the Agreement was
concurrently signed on December 16, 2013 on NASA’s behalf by Mr. William S.
“Bill” McArthur Jr., NASA-JSC Director of Safety and Mission Assurance
(S&MA) and by Dr. Chang Díaz on Ad Astra’s behalf.
The Annex provides the terms and
conditions of the parties’ continued collaboration in the development of the
safety protocols and documentation, associated with the flight test of the
VASIMR® system on the International Space Station. These activities were
initiated in May of 2012 (
Established in 2005, Ad Astra Rocket
Company is the developer of the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
(VASIMR®) engine, an advanced plasma space propulsion system aimed at the
emerging in-space transportation market. Ad Astra also owns and operates Ad
Astra Servicios Energéticos y Ambientales (AASEA) and Ad Astra Rocket Company,
Costa Rica, respectively supporting research and development subsidiaries in
the US and Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Through its subsidiaries, the company also
develops earthbound high technology applications in renewable energy, advanced
manufacturing and applied physics. Ad Astra has its main laboratory and
corporate headquarters at 141 W. Bay Area Boulevard in Webster, Texas, USA,
about two miles from the NASA Johnson Space Center.
Source: Website
Parabolic Arc -
Comentário: Bom leitor, trago aqui essa noticia por
acreditar que seja do interesse dos profissionais brasileiros que trabalham no Brasil na área
de propulsão iônica (a plasma), já que talvez esse seja hoje o mais significativo projeto em curso em todo mundo nessa área.
É como eu digo. A essa altura do campeonato, deveria ser nesse tipo de tecnologia e além, que o nosso PEB deveria estar investindo.
ResponderExcluirBem melhor em tentar reproduzir a tecnologia de foguetes movidos a combustíveis líquidos dá década de 50/60 que não é significativa como conquista científica.
Caro Marcos!
ExcluirNeste caso específico trata-se de um motor para ser usado no vácuo do espaço, mas concordo contigo que já deveríamos ter dominado a tecnologia de motores líquidos há pelo menos uma década. Resta o consolo da realização da "Operação Raposa", caso ela venha ser realizada mesmo em fevereiro de 2014, apesar de se tratar de um motor de apenas 5kN, mas enfim...
Duda Falcão
(Blog Brazilian Space)
Esse tipo de tecnologia é bastante importante, deverá ser essencial principalmente para viagem ao espaço profundo.
ResponderExcluirParece que saiu mais uma notícia sobre o GLXP, e parece que a equipe SpaceMeta ainda está no jogo:
As 2013 Comes To An End, Competition Intensifies In Private Race To The Moon