Leonel Perondi Inaugurated
Hello reader!
Source: WebSite of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
follows a note published on the day (06/04) in the website of the National
Institute for Space Research (INPE) highlighting the inauguration of Mr. Leonel
Fernando Perondi toward the INPE.
Duda Falcão
Leonel Perondi Inaugurated
Monday, June 04, 2012
Achieve deadlines of the CBERS satellites program and
adopt an industrial policy for the suppliers’ qualification and new
technologies diffusion were among the main challenges identified by Leonel
Perondi during his inauguration ceremony as director of the Brazil’s National
Institute for Space (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Epaciais – INPE), in São
José dos Campos (SP), on Friday (06/01).
Perondi was inaugurated by the Minister of Science,
Technology and Innovation, Marco Antonio Raupp, during a ceremony attended by
the Brazilian Space Agency’s President (Agência Espacial Brasileira – AEB),
José Raimundo Braga Coelho, and by the former INPE’s Director, Gilberto Câmara.
In his speech, Perondi highlighted the activities of
INPE, whose mission is “to be a national reference in space science and
technology and its applications, maximizing direct returns to society in
products and services, industrial polices and knowledge dissemination”. He
believes that the maintenance of intellectual capital and knowledge in the institute
is a major challenge.
The new Director hopes to expand the research and
development programs, strengthen the infrastructure of the space program, and
support the areas of space weather, climate change and weather forecasting. The
collaboration with the National Center for Monitoring and Natural Disasters
Warning (Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais -
CEMADEN) and the control of satellite attitude and orbit were also highlighted.
Perondi also mentioned the current set of factors that is
considered in favor of the “good understanding, harmony, cohesion and
effectiveness in the development of space activities,” as both Minister and AEB
president have acted for many years at INPE. "They are connoisseurs of the
space program and INPE needs. We
have great conviction that this knowledge will bring a highly positive scenario
for the Brazilian space program," the new director concluded.
the video in Portuguese of the inauguration of
Mr. Leonel
Fernando Perondi toward the INPE
Confira o texto na íntegra do discurso de posse do Sr. Leonel Fernando Perondi pelo link: http://www.inpe.br/noticias/arquivos/pdf/Discurso_posse_Perondi.pdf
Source: WebSite of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
Comentário; Aproveitamos para agradecer ao leitor paulista
José Ildefonso pelo envio do discurso e do vídeo da posse do novo diretor do INPE.
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