Visiona Emerges as Brazilian Space Sector’s Industrial Champion
Hello reader!
It follows a note published on the day (05/04), in the
site "", noting that Visiona emerges as Brazilian Space Sector’s Industrial Champion.
Duda Falcão
Visiona Emerges as Brazilian Space
Sector’s Industrial Champion
By Peter B. de Selding
May 4, 2015
Credit: Visiona Tecnologia
Profile | Eduardo Bonini Chief Executive, Visiona Space Technology
Brazil has experience in building small research satellites and, with
China, 2,000-kilogram-class Earth observation satellites. It also has a space
agency and a long-term space development program, called PNAE, with a detailed
roadmap for satellite development. What it lacked was an industrial champion.
Now it has one. Visiona Tecnologia Espacial SA, a joint venture with
aircraft manufacturer Embraer and Brazil’s telecommunications operator,
Telebras, was created in 2013 to manage development of the Geostationary and
Defense and Strategic Communications Satellite (SGDC) for Brazilian government
civil and military applications.
The satellite is under construction by Thales Alenia Space of France and
Italy, with Brazilian government and industry people training at Thales’
Cannes, France, facility.
Eduardo Bonini, who has long management experience at Embraer but is new
to the space industry, was appointed chief executive to manage both SGDC and
the creation of a sustainable Brazilian satellite supplier base for the
nation’s ambitious space program, both in geostationary and low Earth orbit.
It will be a years-long effort to plant in Brazil a space capacity that,
Bonini says, ultimately should resemble in satellites what Embraer is today in
aircraft. Bonini spoke to SpaceNews reporter Peter B. de Selding about the
company’s goals.
Why did the government create Visiona?
There are long-term space development programs for both civil and
military space efforts, but that means a certain amount of money budgeted each
year, which the government thought would not be the best way to promote this
kind of project.
So the communications minister and the defense minister decided to
present to the president the case for a communications satellite, dual-use, in
Ka-band for national broadband program, and X-band for military communications.
Your broadband program is designed to provide rural
Yes. In the north of the country you don’t have wireline communications;
the environment is not conducive to it. The SGDC will bring Internet to more
than 2,000 municipalities that don’t have broadband Internet today.
It became clear to the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) and the Minister for
Science and Technology that a strong integrator was necessary to manage the
supply of this satellite.
Brazil has a nearly 30-year history of building satellites. We built two
small data-collection satellites — the SCD series. The China-Brazil Earth
Resources Satellite (CBERS) series was developed in partnership with China for
Earth observation and the satellites were around 2,000 kilograms each. But
CBERS was managed by Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research, INPE, as a
science mission, and in AEB’s view a national industrial integrator was
So there was agreement between the final customer, Telebras, and Embraer
to start Visiona, which is 51 percent Embraer and 49 percent Telebras. Telebras
is of course most interested in the SGDC satellite, as it will be their
Does most of the management come from Embraer?
We’re just a startup today, around 48 people. The management came from
Embraer, including financial and procurement people and administration. Embraer
hasn’t done satellites, so our technical people came from INPE.
Our SGDC project manager is from INPE, and is in Cannes now. Our
director of technology, with long experience, is there too. So these INPE people are now inside Visiona.
In the past two-plus years of existence, INPE has been readying new
engineers with the technology absorption program with Thales Alenia Space in
Cannes. We have 10 Visiona people in Cannes, and there are others from INPE,
from Telebras and from the Ministry of Defense — about 30 in total.
The technology absorption program is to learn about satellite
construction, satellite operations, satellite Earth stations and operating the
frequency bands as well. So these people are inside the engineering team of
Thales Alenia Space.
The goal is autonomy in satellite manufacturing?
The goal is to reinforce the supply chain in Brazil. If we can make that
supply chain stronger, everyone benefits. Of course in the future we want to
have an industrial arm, and we want to implement new technologies.
And we need to get new contracts for
small satellites, to put into practice what we are doing with the SGDC. We can
grow as much as needed to enhance Visiona’s core business. We can have a
workforce that would supply government satellites.
Credit: Visiona Tecnologia Espacial
SGDC satellite.
What is the government’s current demand for small
AEB is working on getting a budget for small satellites, and they will
determine what they want. We are talking with them about what could be a next
project in which we can participate. But as a public agency they need to follow
regulations for contracting, and we are following those rules to become the
real national satellite integrator in Brazil. This is our goal, to win new
contracts from the government.
Last year, for example, the Ministry of Defense had a constraint in its
budget that reduced planned spending. This year they got some but not enough,
only for basic studies. Defense needs several types of satellites — optical and
synthetic aperture radar in addition to communications.
If we are able to integrate both programs and to develop a small
platform for dual-purpose payloads for civil and military needs, this could
help us reduce the budgetary requirement.
Has the government’s willingness to proceed with new
projects slowed with the slowing economy?
The problem is the constrained budget. But for SGDC we have a budget
that comes both from the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of
If we decide to build a development satellite to prove the capabilities
of the supply chain, the Ministry of Science and Technology could have the
budget and spend it through AEB.
What we see is that several ministries could allocate a budget for these
services, with AEB integrating the demand and the budget, and then coming to
industry to find a solution.
How long do you expect the process to take?
Whatever is necessary given customer demand, which is the most important
point. The goal is to assure that technology absorption occurs so that
ultimately we become independent. This will take time; that’s OK. We need to
grow gradually.
What has been missing in the past is continuity in program development.
If PNAE happens as foreseen, this will speed up the development of space
technology in Brazil.
At this point PNAE is progressing more slowly than
planned, correct?
There are delays. Budget indications leave room to doubt about whether
the time frame defined by the PNAE — which has a detailed schedule in it — will
be accomplished. Clearly the budgets are not enough to accomplish all missions
in that time frame.
Is the budget issue affecting SGDC?
Why is that?
Because it started as a single project. There was demand from both the
Communications and Defense ministries, and there is strong presidential backing
for the project.
Has the drop in value of the Brazilian real against
the U.S. dollar made project management more difficult?
The real has gone down and our contract with Thales is in U.S. dollars,
but Visiona has put in place strategies to hedge the contract against currency
fluctuations. So Visiona is using Embraer’s structure in the Netherlands in
order to operate some payments.
If all goes according to plan, how big will Visiona be
in a few years? Will you become Embraer’s space division?
We will
grow as Visiona. For now, the company is working only on SGDC. When
there are new contracts, there will be an ability to grow the company. We plan to perform in the space
sector a similar role to that played by Embraer in the aeronautical sector.
Credit: AEB
CBERS-4. |
How was the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite
program managed?
CBERS was a science-oriented program managed by INPE. It was a very
important program to develop technologies and consolidate the space industry in
The companies that were formed during this program have been our key
partners in developing the solutions for the Brazilian space program. They
complement Visiona’s capabilities. We are also using our influence to help them
tackle other markets.
An important challenge is to be able to do geostationary satellite
systems and integration tests locally. INPE is working to expand its
installations and Thales was trying to qualify some companies for some
components, but it depends on technology transfer and that depends on budget
from AEB.
The problem is that there is no geostationary capability in Brazilian companies.
In addition to SGDC, there is a contract between Thales Alenia Space and AEB on
technology absorption. They are looking for companies capable of receiving
technology and in the future becoming suppliers in the global supply chain, for
both low Earth orbit and geostationary programs, both inside and outside
The idea is to create capabilities to build satellites with more
Brazilian content.
Is there any friction with INPE given its CBERS
There have been discussions along these lines because INPE was the
integrator for CBERS and now we are the industrial integrator for SGDC. We will
need to coordinate all the efforts. The SGDC integration and testing will occur
at INPE. We are not going to create something separate.
Does Brazil’s satellite operator, Star One, have a
role in SGDC?
They could provide backup in X-band until another source is available.
This is a customer decision, but so far as I can tell the government intends to
continue to use capacity from Star One.
Is there a backup plan for SGDC?
There are plans for an SGDC 2 in PNAE. But this is something Telebras
must define, to see if there is a real demand for it. This is the first one
under Brazilian control, so we all will need to learn before making another
As soon as demand is satisfied, new demand will appear of course. This
is taking 3.5 years to launch. It will be our customer’s decision. If we are
talking about seven gateways covering Brazil and offshore, and 2,000 cities
without broadband, I think it’s clear there is room for new demand.
SGDC is geostationary communications. But Visiona can
address other missions as well?
Yes, eventually for low orbit and Earth observation. We would love to
start building an Earth observation satellite. It is in the military long-term
plan. There was no budget in 2014, and in 2015 it is only for studies. I hope
that it can start in 2016.
AEB needs to coordinate demand with the ministry to give a single
solution, perhaps with an observation satellite system for both defense and
civil applications.
Does Embraer look at this as strategic on behalf of
the government or as a good business in and of itself?
I’d say both. Embraer is a strategic partner of the Ministry of Defense
in Brazil but the company always looks after the interests of its shareholders.
This is our business.
Source: Website
Comentário: Pois é leitor esta outra entrevista do
presidente da Visiona é interessante e tem vários pontos que poderíamos discutir.
Entretanto, preferi selecionar a seguinte parte da entrevista:
this point PNAE is progressing more slowly than planned, correct?
There are delays. Budget indications leave room to doubt about whether
the time frame defined by the PNAE — which has a detailed schedule in it — will
be accomplished. Clearly the budgets are not enough to accomplish all missions
in that time frame.
Is the budget issue affecting SGDC?
Why is that?
Because it started as a single project. There was demand from both the
Communications and Defense ministries, and there is strong presidential backing
for the project.”
Pois é leitor, neste deslize cometido pelo presidente da Visiona (dizendo simplesmente a verdade) para
um bom entendedor meia palavra basta. Não há como negar a falta de
comprometimento governamental com o PEB e por questões discutíveis não só
tecnológicas, como políticas e quem sabe algo mais, este projeto do SGDB foge a
regra, tornando-se assim uma exceção no universo das atividades espaciais
brasileiras. Lamentável. Aproveitamos para agradecer ao leitor Felipe Dias pelo
envio desta matéria do site Space News.
Não tem nada que explique o fato da Argentina ter um orçamento maior que o nosso. Como já mostrado no seu blog várias vezes.
Não é que a Argentina não mereça, pelo contrário, o que eu não entendo é como o Brasil bem maior e com mais recursos simplesmente negligência essa área estratégica para esse país continente. Simplesmente por falta de vontade ou visão estratégica dos nossos governantes.
Sinceramente, a falta de comprometimento dos nossos governantes(independente de partido, pois nas últimas eleições nenhum tinha plano para área espacial) é uma coisa incompreensível. Nosso orçamento hoje já era para estar em torno de 800 milhões de reais se a evolução fosse natural(sem cortes). O que não é o caso, aliás bem distante. Se o Brasil tivesse um orçamento igual ao da Índia(1 bilhão de dólares), provavelmente já estaríamos pensando em missões tripuladas. Hoje, o Brasil possui vários projetos de "cubesats" e isso é uma coisa boa, porém não para todas a finalidades portanto não podemos parar apenas em "cubesats" temos que desenvolver todos os tipos de satélites e de todos os tamanhos. Assim como não podemos desenvolver veículos lançadores de satélites até o VLS-Beta e parar nesse tamanho. Temos que fazer acordos com outros paises, mas não como foi esse acordo imbecíl de utilizar foguetes alheios e ultrapassados e o pior sem trazer nenhum benefício tecnológico(parece que foi apenas para benefício pessoal de alguns..) para a evolução dos nossos VLS. Se quisermos ser uma grande nação e desenvolvida temos que mudar agora e aumentar o orçamento e o esforços na área espacial ou então seremos subordinados para sempre as grandes nações. Eu sei que é difícil, mas só nos resta ter esperanças que alguma coisa vai melhorar nesta área.
Desculpe o desabafo e abraço a todos,
Felipe Dias
Caro Felipe, boa tarde!
ExcluirOlha, parta do princípio de que o Brasil não é uma país sério e que esses energúmenos que estão no poder, independente de legenda partidária, não tem nenhum interesse de caminhar na direção da construção de uma verdadeira nação, eles são Piratas, e ai você entenderá o que esta acontecendo.
Duda Falcão
(Blog Brazilian Space)
Pois é.. só desse jeito para explicar o que acontece com a área espacial. Não tem outra explicação.
Felipe Dias
A empresa é tão boa que nem o site está completo ( pagina em inglês ...