Brazilian Scientist Makes key Contributions to Advances in Superstring Theory
follows one article published on the day (28/01) in the website of the ”Agência
FAPESP” noting that Brazilian Scientist makes key contributions to advances in Superstring Theory.
Scientist Makes key Contributions
to Advances in Superstring Theory
By José Tadeu Arantes
February 25, 2015
(Image: Andrew J. Hanson/Wikimedia Commons)
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2D cross-section of a ten-dimensional space sometimes
used to
describe the "compactification" of six extra dimensions of
FAPESP – All the
experiments in high-energy physics that have been performed in recent decades
have confirmed the so-called “Standard Model” of particle physics, a theoretical
construct that describes the structure and behavior of matter at the atomic and
subatomic scales.
scientists who contributed to the development of the model have been awarded
the Nobel Prize in Physics, including the UK’s Peter Higgs, who postulated the
famous Higgs boson and won the prize together with Belgium’s François Englert
in 2013.
This success,
however, can also be regarded as an impasse because important problems in the
Standard Model remain unsolved.
The most
important of these, and an issue that is frequently cited, is the impossibility
of unifying the four fundamental interactions in nature (the gravitational,
electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear forces) in a single framework
owing to the incompatibility between the general theory of relativity (which
describes the gravitational interaction) and quantum theory (which describes
the other three interactions).
proposals have been presented in the search for alternatives to the Standard
Model by the new generation of physicists, but the proposal that has lasted the
longest and that has proved to be the most promising is superstring theory,
which replaces the Standard Model’s concept of point particles with the idea of
tiny vibrating strings. According to this theory, different string vibrations
or “excitation modes” give rise to the various particle types.
theory has been reformulated several times since it was first proposed in the
early 1970s. One of the researchers who has actively contributed to its development
is Nathan Berkovits, full professor at the Theoretical Physics Institute of São
Paulo State University (IFT-UNESP) in Brazil. Berkovits was born in the United
States and is a naturalized Brazilian citizen.
In 2009
Berkovits won the annual physics prize awarded by The World Academy of Sciences
(TWAS) for his research on superstring theory. Since 2011 he has headed the
ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR),
established by the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics
(ICTP), which is based in Trieste, Italy, in partnership with UNESP and FAPESP.
He currently
leads the Thematic Project “ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research: a
regional center for theoretical physics,” which is supported by FAPESP.
In 2014 he concluded a Thematic Project on research and learning in string
In an
interview given to Agência FAPESP, Berkovits outlined the state of the
art in superstring theory and described his contributions to knowledge in this
FAPESP – Why is it
so important to construct a theory that is capable of overcoming the
contradiction between general relativity and quantum mechanics?
Berkovits – Although
general relativity is used to describe the macrocosm, at the interstellar and
intergalactic scales, and quantum mechanics is used to describe the microcosm,
at the atomic and subatomic scales, reconciling the two is not irrelevant,
especially if we want to understand the primordial universe. According to the
Big Bang theory, the universe was of subatomic size in the fractions of a
second that followed the initial instant. The scale at which quantum mechanics
affects the gravitational interaction is so small that we can’t even dream of
building accelerators that are capable of detecting it, but such information
may eventually be obtained from cosmological observations of the young
FAPESP – And is
superstring theory a promising alternative to overcome this contradiction?
Berkovits – Yes, because the theory states that
different string vibrations describe different particles. So superstring theory
can not only unify gravity with the other interactions but also unify all
particles. Superstring theory is very far from being experimentally verifiable
but it has given rise to several ideas that have been useful in other areas of
physics and mathematics. One such idea is the concept of supersymmetry.
FAPESP – Could you
explain this concept?
Berkovits – The concept of supersymmetry relates
fermionic particles, which constitute matter, to bosonic particles, which
transmit the interactions or forces between the constituents of matter.
Although fermions and bosons are quite different, these two types of particle
can be related through supersymmetry. According to this concept, for every
fermion there must be a corresponding boson, i.e., a supersymmetric particle,
and vice versa. This concept arose in the 1970s, in string theory, hence the
term superstring. An important property of theories with supersymmetry is that
the contradictions with quantum mechanics are attenuated owing to the
possibility of cancellation between fermionic and bosonic particles. For this
reason, even physicists who don’t work with superstring theory have become
highly interested in supersymmetry. Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider in
Geneva are actively looking for evidence of supersymmetry, a concept that has
proved to be applicable to various areas of physics and mathematics.
FAPESP – One of
the difficulties with superstring theory is the large number of dimensions that
space must have in order for us to be able to describe it.
Berkovits – True. The mathematical formalism of
superstring theory uses ten-dimensional space. You might well wonder why we
observe only four of these ten dimensions. There are at least two answers to
that question. One is that the other six dimensions are so small that we can’t
detect them. The model that says this is called compactification. Another
answer is that matter can’t occupy all the dimensions of the universe, only its
surface. The universe is a ten-dimensional object with a four-dimensional
surface, and particles such as electrons and photons are confined to this
surface. Only gravitons, which transmit the gravitational interaction, are free
to move through the entire universe. This surface is termed a brane, by analogy
to a membrane, the two-dimensional surface of a three-dimensional object. So we
have brane theory, too.
recent developments in superstring theory would you highlight?
Berkovits – The concept of duality was an important
step. In this context, duality means bringing together two quite different
theories that are used to describe the same thing. The most significant example
of such a duality is the AdS-CFT correspondence, which relates a quantum theory
of gravitation with a field theory. This correspondence was conjectured in 1997
by the Argentinian physicist Juan Maldacena, at the Institute of Advanced
Studies at Princeton in the United States. Later on, he presented several types
of evidence to prove it, at the same time as other researchers. It refers to
the correspondence between a quantum theory of gravitation in anti de Sitter
(AdS) space and a supersymmetric Yang-Mills field theory, which is an example
of a conformal field theory (CFT). The AdS-CFT correspondence has been one of
the most active topics in high-energy physics in the last 15 years and has
triggered applications in other areas, such as heavy-ion physics and the
physics of superconductivity.
FAPESP – You’ve
also contributed, haven’t you?
Berkovits – I’ve been doing research on this for
some 25 years now, focusing on an effort to understand supersymmetry in
superstring theory and applying this understanding to the study of the AdS-CFT
correspondence. The conventional formalism for the superstring, the RNS
formalism (an acronym for the last names of Pierre Ramond, André Neveu and John
Schwarz), was developed in the 1970s. However, supersymmetry was hidden in it.
In the 1980s, Michael Green and Schwarz developed an alternative formalism,
called GS after them, but its quantization was complicated. The problem
remained open until 2000, when I proposed a new formalism, with manifest
supersymmetry and simple quantization. This new apparatus is known as “pure
spinor formalism” because it involves not only vector variables that describe
space-time but also spinor variables.
FAPESP – What is a
Berkovits – It’s a mathematical tool. Perhaps
spinors will be more comprehensible if we compare them with vectors, another
mathematical tool. To describe any point in space-time, we use a vector with
four dimensions, three for space (height, width and length, for example) and
one for time. We can think of reality as having more than four dimensions, and
the vector will have as many components as there are dimensions. A spinor can
describe magnitudes other than position in space-time. Take an electron, for
example. It’s not enough to know its location in space-time. You also need to
know its spin, i.e., which axis it’s spinning along. The spinor provides this
description. So it carries more information than the vector.
FAPESP – How was
your new formalism received?
Berkovits – In 2000, shortly after the start of my
first Thematic Project supported by FAPESP, I wrote a paper
entitled “Super-Poincaré covariant quantization of the superstring.” It was
published in the Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP) and generated
over 400 citations. Several research groups around the world are now working
with the pure spinor formalism.
Source: WebSite Agência FAPESP -
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