How Small Satellites Can Change Space Science?
An interesting
press release in English titled "How Small Satellites Can Change Space
Science?" was posted on 08/08 in SciELO in Perspective Blog. See below.
Small Satellites Can
Change Space Science?
Por Julliane Silveira, scientific journalist,
São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil
August 8, 2017 - 16:35
What do
Coca-Cola, Google and Samsung have in common? All of them is investing in the
smallsat business. Smallsat is a denomination given to satellites that range
from the size of a kitchen fridge to the size of tennis balls. Or even less.
They always have a wet mass (including fuel) below 500 kg.
It´s not
just the miniaturization of electronics but also their accompanying
reliability, performance and smaller costs that make smallsats a good option to
improve phone calls, internet and GPS signals around the world, among other
services. Some
specialists say smallsats are supposed to change the way science can be done
from space.
article “Status and Trends of Smallsats and Their Launch Vehicles”, published
in the latest edition (Jul./Sept. 2017) of JATM (Journal of Aerospace
Technology and Management) presents a scenario analysis of these devices and
its correspondent launch vehicles.
constellations are a robust solution to improve service quality. When a satellite
is lost, for instance, the service is still available”, says Timo Wekerle, the
lead author of the paper and researcher at Aeronautical Institute of Technology
(ITA). “The satellites´ replacement is quicker and cheaper when smallsats are
used. That´s why these devices always come together with new technologies”, he
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Smallsats – Smallsats’ constellations.
The article refers to 863 smallsats, which were identified between 1995 and 2014. According to the study, smallsats are mainly used in science, research and development (48%), communication (27%) and remote sensing (18%). Most of them was launched by the USA (51%) and Russia (11%), but Japan, China, United Kingdom and Germany are also paying attention to this technology.
are now becoming a booming commercial market with several applications.
“Smallsats are more effective in science and technology missions in space, data
collection and Earth observation”, Wekerle explains.
estimates a market value to develop and launch Smallsats of about US$ 22
billion between 2016 and 2025. It represents a forecast of 3,600 smallsats to
be launched during this period.
In five
to ten years, it might be difficult to justify the use of expensive large
spacecraft, when a mission could be attended by cheap and responsive smallsats.
“A cubesat, for instance, may cost 100 times less than a regular satellite”,
says Wekerle.
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Cubesats – Many governmental organizations and private
companies are investing in the design of CubeSat.
competitiveness with conventional satellites also affects the market. The
constellations will force geostationary satellite operators to lower their
prices according to Selding 2015 (a, b).
anticipated in their 2016 Nano-Microsatellite Market Forecast that 3,000 nano
and micro-satellites (less than 50kg) would be launched between 2016 and 2022,
as seen in Doncaster and Shulman 2016.
A model
is the limelight of smallsats. Many governmental organizations and private
companies are investing in the design of CubeSat buses and payloads. According
to NASA, CubeSats are a class of nanosatellites that use a standard size and
form factor. The standard CubeSat size uses a “one unit” or “1U”, measuring
10x10x10 cm.
Even a
worldwide Cubesat program in order to achieve a sustainable global space
exploration was proposed by Ansdell, et al. (2011).
smallsats still face challenges related to their launch vehicles – which still
need to have competitive prices, production in large scale and required
adjustments to smallsat specifications. Only 8% of tsmallsats were launched by
Micro-Lvs. Therefore, the majority of smallsats was launched as secondary payloads,
which offers reasonable prices, but may not offer the desired launch date and
M., EHRENFREUND, P. and MCKAY, C. Stepping stones toward global space
exploration. Acta Astronautica [online]. 2011, vol. 68, no.
11/12, pp. 2098-2113 [viewed 11 May 2017]. DOI:
10.1016/j.actaastro.2010.10.025. Available from:
B. and SHULMAN, J. Nano/microsatellite market forecast. Washington: SpaceWorks
Enterprises, Inc, 2016.
P. B. ITU grapples with small-satellite regulatory challenge [online]. 2015
[viewed 11 May 2017]. Available from:
P. B. Signs of a satellite internet gold rush in burst of ITU filings [online].
2015 [viewed 11 May 2017]. Available from:
To read
the article, access it
T., et al. Status and Trends of Smallsats and Their Launch Vehicles
— An Up-to-date Review. J. Aerosp. Technol. Manag. [online]. 2017,
vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 269-286 [viewed 11 May 2017]. DOI:
10.5028/jatm.v9i3.853. Available from:
of Aerospace Technology and Management – JATM: <>
Source: SciELO in Perspective
Blog -
O fundo brasileiro Pitanga tem investido forte nesta startup argentina de microssatélites. Segundo eles, a Satellogic promete revolucionar a indústria espacial com satélites menores e bem mais baratos do que os tradicionais. O objetivo de longo prazo da empresa argentina é lançar uma constelação de 300 satélites pequenos... Será?