Cal State Fullerton Professor Developing Radical New Space Propulsion System
Hello reader!
follows a note published on the day (11/24) in the website “Parabolic Arc” noting
that Cal
State Fullerton Professor developing radical new Space Propulsion System.
Duda Falcão
Cal State Fullerton Professor Developing
Radical New
Space Propulsion System
By Douglas Messier
24, 2014, at 1:35 pm
thrust is hypothesized to be produced by the
Woodward effect. The C represents
a capacitor element,
L represents an inductor element.
Over at Boing Boing, Charles Platt has a story
about a new space propulsion
system being developed at California State University at Fullerton:
Ever since H. G. Wells imagined a gravity-shielding
material in “The First Men in the Moon,” space enthusiasts have fantasized
about ways to achieve thrust without any need for reaction mass. Unfortunately,
it seems impossible.
Or is it?
Personally, I’m not so willing to use the word
“impossible” anymore. In October of this year, at the laboratory of Dr. James
Woodward in California State University at Fullerton, I watched a very
small-scale experiment that was surprisingly persuasive.
Unlike all the “free energy” scams that you see
online, Woodward’s device does not violate basic physical laws (it does not
produce more energy than it consumes, and does not violate Newton’s third law).
Nor is Woodward withholding any information about his methods. He has written a
book, published by Springer, that explains in relentless detail exactly how his
equipment works–assuming that it does, indeed, work. He published his theory in
of Physics Letters, vol. 3, no. 5, 1990, and he
even managed to get a US patent — number 5,280,864, issued January 25, 1994.
I first heard about him in 1997, when I interviewed
him for Wired magazine. His results were tentative, then, and he was cautious about
making claims. “I have biweekly paranoia attacks,” he told me, “and then I try
something else to see if I can make this effect go away.”
Almost twenty years later, the situation has changed.
Dr. Heidi Fearn, a theoretical physicist who specializes in quantum optics at
Fullerton, has done the math that she believes can justify Woodward’s
experimental evidence. Wikipedia now has a substantial entry about the Woodward
Effect. The Space Studies Institute is championing the cause, inviting
tax-deductible donations*.
If a small amount of thrust really can be created
using a power input but no reaction mass, the principle could be applied to
correct orbital variations in satellites. If the effect turned out to be
scalable, it would be a major game-changer for human spaceflight. Of course,
this is a big “if”; but I think Woodward’s idea shows more promise than any
other alternate systems of propulsion. It would be infinitely more attractive
than rocket motors.
The concept is based on the possibility of changing the
mass of an object. Changing mass? How can that make sense? The answer is linked
with the general theory of relativity.
* As mentioned in the story, SSI is accepting tax-deductible donations that will go to support this work. Please give generously if you are
Source: Website Parabolic Arc -
Comentário: Pois é leitor, trago aqui esta notícia, pois
pode ser do interesse dos grupos que trabalham com propulsão espacial no
Brasil. Note aqui caro amigo leitor o que diferencia uma sociedade que gera
pessoas inovadoras como o Dr. James
Woodward (a maioria o chamaria de louco, mas Julio Verne também foi chamado de
louco em sua época e hoje é visto como um visionário) e uma sociedade que tem o
potencial inovador de seus pesquisadores prejudicados por debiloides
irresponsáveis motivados por estupidez generalizada e por outros motivos não
tão nobres. Como se pode notar nesta notícia, no momento mesmo vivendo numa
sociedade bem diferente da sofrível Sociedade Brasileira, o Dr. James Woodward
não obteve ainda do governo americano o apoio necessário, mas se conseguir convencer
a comunidade científica de seu país da viabilidade do seu novo sistema de propulsão
espacial, certamente será uma questão de tempo para obter o apoio da NASA ou do
próprio governo de seu país. Vale ressaltar aqui também o fato do Space Studies
Institute (organização sem fins lucrativos fundada em 1977 pelo falecido Prof. Dr.
Gerard K. O'Neill da Universidade Princeton ) capitanear uma campanha de doação
dedutível de taxa para arrecadar recursos para este projeto junto à Sociedade Americana. Honestamente alguém de sã consciência entre nossos leitores consegue imaginar algo assim dando certo no
Brasil? Como exemplo temos a nossa campanha de manutenção do BLOG que até hoje,
quase dois anos depois de lançada, ainda nem sequer atingiu a metade do que
precisamos para o sonhado Portal Espacial. É como eu digo, sem compromisso não
se constrói nada na vida. A Sociedade Americana já descobriu isto ha muito
tempo, já a Brasileira só quer ser beneficiada, e o resultado é o país de merda
que temos e continuaremos tendo por muito tempo.
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