Hundreds of Tiny Satellites Could Soon Deliver Free Internet Worldwide
Hello reader!
It follows a note published on the day (02/24) in
the website “Space Daily” noting the hundreds of Tiny Satellites could soon deliver Free Internet Worldwide.
Duda Falcão
of Tiny Satellites Could Soon
Deliver Free Internet Worldwide
by Staff Writers
Moscow (Voice of Russia) Feb 24, 2014
illustration only |
say they are less than a year away from deploying prototype satellites that
could someday soon broadcast free and universal internet all over the globe
from high in orbit.
"Outernet" project being bankrolled by the Media Development Investment
Fund (MDIF) of New York is currently in the midst of conducting technical
assessment of the project, but say by June they hope to develop test satellite
in order to see how long-range WiFi would work if beamed down by a tiny
10x10x10-centimeter payload called a CubeSat.
If all
goes as planned, a test CubeSat will be sent into orbit next January, and
within a few years there could be hundreds of similar devices circling the
Earth and sending back down internet signals. Once that is accomplished,
countries that largely censor the web - like China and North Korea - would be
hard-pressed to restrict internet access without also going into orbit.
exist to support the flow of independent news, information, and debate that
people need to build free, thriving societies," MDIF President Peter
Whitehead told the National Journal recently. "It enables fuller
participation in public life, holds the powerful to account and protects the
rights of the individual."
accomplish as much, though, MDIF is facing a rather uphill battle, at least
with regards to funding. Funny enough, sending hundreds of tiny WiFi ready
satellites into orbit isn't as inexpensive as one might imagine.
Karim, MDIF's director of innovation, told the National Journal's Alex Brown
that it would take only three years and $12 billion to get the project up and
"We don't have $12 billion," Karim said, "so we'll do as much as
we can with CubeSats and broadcast data."
data," Outernet says on their website, "allows citizens to reduce
their reliance on costly internet data plans in places where monthly fees are
too expensive for average citizens. And offering continuously updated web
content from space bypasses censorship of the Internet."
40 percent of the planet currently doesn't have access to any sort of internet
service, the company claims, but basic CubeSats could send one-way signals down
to earth to deliver news or content through a "global notification system
during emergencies and natural disasters," their website says.
to knowledge and information is a human right and Outernet will guarantee this
right by taking a practical approach to information delivery. By transmitting
digital content to mobile devices, simple antennae and existing satellite
dishes, a basic level of news, information, education and entertainment will be
available to all of humanity." If they can succeed with that, then
Outernet hopes to start figuring a way to let customers send data back to the
CubeSats, ideally creating free, "two-way internet access for
everyone" in a few years' time.
During a
recent question-and-answer session on the website Reddit, Karim explained that
the Outernet project is already being more affordable because some of the most
expensive aspects of the endeavor, at least with regards to research, have
already been considered by other entrepreneurial space experts.
isn't a lot of raw research that is being done here; much of what is being
described has already been proven by other small satellite programs and
experiments," Karim said.
really nothing that is technically impossible to this," he added.
"But at the prospect of telecoms operators trying to shut the project down
before it gets off the ground," Karim said, "We will fight... and
his group is gunning to figure out how to make that dream a reality without
going over budget. Getting one of those tiny CubeSats into orbit could cost
upwards of $100,000, Brown reported, and slightly larger satellites being
considered by Outernet could run three times that.
want to stay as small as possible, because size and weight are directly related
to dollars," Karim said. "Much of the size is dictated by power
requirements and the solar panels needed satisfy those requirements."
WebSite Space Daily -
Comentário: Eu creio que essa matéria venha interessar
aos pesquisadores brasileiros que trabalham no Brasil na área de cubesats. Note
leitor como as possibilidades do uso dessa tecnologia de cubesats e de pequenos
satélites vêm se ampliando pelo mundo e abrindo cada vez mais o mercado para
lançadores como o VLM-1 e o VLS-1. É inadmissível que o Brasil perca mais essa oportunidade
devido à inércia, a falta de compromisso com o país e de vontade política desses
energúmenos vendedores de ilusões. É preciso fazer algo, essa gente precisa ser
detida, o país está sendo impedido de se desenvolver como nação desde o Governo
Collor de Mello devido a atos estúpidos e inconsequentes de populistas de
merda, culminando com esse desgoverno desastroso dessa presidentA petistas
debiloide. Sinceramente mesmo sendo um torcedor apaixonado do Futebol e
brasileiro de verdade, torço para que o Brasil não conquiste a Copa do Mundo,
pois se assim for, essa trupe de energúmenos será catapultada uma vez mais ao
poder. O leitor pode dizer: Mas Duda você disse que todos eles são “Farinha do
Mesmo Saco” e que o problema é cultural. É verdade, digo e volto a afirmar
isso. Entretanto leitor, eu creio que seria muito difícil para qualquer um superar
o desgoverno dessa presidentA debiloide, mesmo o próprio LULA, que
provavelmente será a saída política para a campanha dos petistas, caso o Brasil
não venha ganhar a Copa.
Duda, eu estava pensando cá com meus botões. Quando se utiliza um nanosat para pequenas experiências, que normalmente são em órbita baixa e em poucos meses ele adentra a atmosfera, fica tranquilo. Mas num projeto destes, em larga escala, e provavelmente serão colocados em órbitas mais estáveis, isto não agrava nosso problema de lixo espacial, uma vez que em alguns anos este satélites se tornarão inoperantes e serão centenas, talvez milhares de objetos difíceis de detectar por causa do tamanho ?
ResponderExcluirOlá Paulo!
ExcluirNão creio amigo, já que provavelmente todo eles deverão ter propulsores, para assim serem utilizados após a vida útil de cada satélite, visando com isso colocar cada um deles em rota de colisão com a atmosfera terrestre, onde então devido ao pequeno tamanho deles deverão ser totalmente destruídos pelo atrito gerado pela reentrada atmosférica, entende?
Duda Falcão
(Blog Brazilian Space)