Programa de Internacionalização da Pós-Graduação do INPE Promove Palestras Sobre "Internet dos Animais" e "Magnetismo Solar no Clima"

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Segue abaixo uma nota postada hoje (28/11) no site oficial do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) destacando que o Programa de internacionalização da Pós-Graduação” promoverá nesta quinta-feira (29/11)  palestras sobre "Internet dos Animais" e "Magnetismo Solar no Clima".

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Programa de Internacionalização da
Pós-Graduação Promove Palestras
Sobre "Internet dos Animais"
e "Magnetismo Solar no Clima"

Publicado: Nov 28, 2018

São José dos Campos-SP, 28 de novembro de 2018

Cientistas do Max Planck, Alemanha, estão no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) no âmbito do programa de internacionalização em Heliofísica da Pós-Graduação em Geofísica Espacial. Sami Solanki, diretor do Instituto Max Planck para Pesquisa do Sistema Solar, e Daniel Piechowski, coordenador científico do Departamento de Comportamento Coletivo do Instituto Max Planck de Ornitologia, ministrarão palestras nesta quinta-feira (29/11) no Auditório Fernando de Mendonça (LIT), na sede do INPE, em São José dos Campos (SP).

Às 10h30, Solanki falará sobre "Solar magnetism and variability: do they influence the Earth's climate?". E às 11h20 será a vez da palestra "The Internet of animals", de Piechowski. Aberto a toda a comunidade do INPE, o evento será no Auditório Fernando de Mendonça (LIT).

O INPE foi selecionado para o Programa Institucional de Internacionalização (PrInt), criado recentemente pela CAPES. O objetivo é facilitar que os cursos de pós-graduação promovam trabalhos fora do país e, também, recebam recursos para o intercâmbio internacional de pesquisadores.

As palestras serão ministradas em inglês. Confira abaixo os resumos das apresentações.

"Solar magnetism and variability: do they influence the Earth's climate?" - Prof. Dr. Sami Solanki

The single quantity that is responsible for the continuing unrest and activity of the Sun is its tangled and dynamic magnetic field. It produces many fascinating phenomena, including changes in the Sun's radiative output, which has been invoked as a source of solar influence on the Earth's climate. In this talk, a brief overview of our knowledge and understanding of solar magnetism and its influence on solar brightness variations will be given. Short descriptions of the Sunrise and Solar Orbiter missions will also be provided.

"The Internet of animals" - Dr. Daniel Piechowski

Since ancient times humans realized that animals can detect natural phenomena that are out of reach for human observations. This has often been termed ´The 6th Sense of Animals´. Until recently, research towards this topic has remained anecdotal because wild animals could not be observed continuously. Modern bio–logging technologies now enable the remote observation of wild animals anywhere on earth, any time and for the entire life of individuals. Miniaturized onboard sensors measure environmental parameters such as temperature, air pressure, humidity or physiological parameters like heart rate and body temperature. In this way, wild animals are perhaps the best intelligent sensor network that ever existed. Furthermore, in recent years there was a breakthrough in our understanding of the sensing capabilities of animal collectives. Interacting groups of animals have emergent sensing abilities that cannot be predicted based on observations of individuals. Via the international collaboration of animal ecologists we can now collect data on life processes on planet Earth. The electronic tags carried by animals allow them to communicate with us where they like to live, but also where they have problems and where they die. We are therefore able to, and have the responsibility, to protect animals as our friends and global watchdogs. Animal based information on zoonotic diseases, global and natural catastrophes will provide large benefit for humanity. We predict that the invaluable information gathered by our wild friends will also change the relationship between animals and humans. At the same time, ICARUS, our new global IoT CDMA data link, established the ´Internet of Animals´ as a satellite-based two-way communication network.

Fonte: Site do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)
